Some of the works completed and a wish list for the future - SANITY
Not a Delta94 but you get the point
Reviewing this list it appears completely backwards in terms of Seamanship, but with spending more and more time on the boat a heater really would improve the quality of life on-board, especially later in the season. During the Pre-purchase Survey of SANITY we had the opportunity to go on board SHELAGH another Delta94 who’s owner had spared no expense on her, the first thing I remember about going down below on that cold morning was how warm and dry it felt. A feeling we’d like to emulate.
SANITY when known as REVID had an Eberspacher fitted. A blank is still covering holes in the transom for the exhaust.
2019/09/02 - Progress to date includes purchasing the Eberspacher D2 Airtronic from Butlertechnic. And an exhaust mount from ebay that has 4 holes to match the original transom holes.
solent stay - And mast refit
The previous (but one) owner has made a fantastic solution for the the removable forestay. I think it could be classed as a Solent Stay, but I’m not sure. So the plan is to upgrade it slightly.
Improved connection at mast head and suitable for Synthetic Rope, purchased forged T rope eye from
Easier stay tensioning - Originally wired with a turnbuckle. Great solution although difficult to adjust without tools. We have located a Wichard baby stay adjuster for this.
Synthetic Rope, not for weight but for ease of stowage at the mast, and because it’s cool.
Complete so far:
All components. Just need to remove the mast.
Trogear Carbon Fiber - Illustration only
Not even close to this, but I am excited about it. We would love to try a cruising chute for lighter winds, as she does need quite a bit to get going. Originally eyeing up the bow for an aluminium unsupported Selden type. I came across this Triangular carbon fiber version. It has a bobstay connection which is perfect. Perfect because a hole already exists in the stem in the correct location which is used internally for the Solent stay. The plan is to replace the bolt with an eye bolt and an eye nut on the inside, serving two purposes. Confused - hopefully the sail plan clears that up. The Carbon fiber bowsprit is really expensive, I plan to mimic the design in aluminium. The idea would be to mount plates to the toe rail to attach it to. If subtle and low profile enough the plates can remain attached and the sprit can be stored below. Wouldn’t want to spoil the aesthetics.
Complete so far:
hole already installed in boat
REVID - Windpilot Pacific Installed
If there is one thing I daydream about its self steering. It’s a shame because she was previously furnished with a Windpilot Pacific, see left. To replace this installation appears straight forward as transom mounting, block positions and tiller bracket holes remain. The hold point on this is be purely financial. One thing that does cause questions is the decision over the easy replacement Windpilot or a Hydrovane the sad truth is that the latter probably only exists as an option due to its self sufficiency - No lines through the cockpit to the rudder and the amazing possibility of it being utilised as an emergency rudder….
Complete so far:
holes in boat
Lots of google