NMEA 2000 Network Installation - Part two
The original Raymarine ST60+ instruments, although working fine were not communicating to the plotter, radar or any other system. It didn't seem a lot to ask that they all get along but it was not meant to be.
Enthused with the new radar there was a hunger for more gagetry. In St. Peter port an opportunity arose and we purchased two ex-display B&G Triton displays - the offer was too good to pass up (ex-display and no VAT!). A lot of research and time would pass before realising that it wasn't going to be practical to get the anemometer, depth and log to communicate with the new displays…
Que a haul out and the removal of the old transducer housing and subsequent installation of the new housing. All connected easily to the network without incident. The network design, button below, created with the help of a B&G pdf manual, microsoft paint and excel.